Aokiji One Piece

Former Admiral: Kuzan Aokiji

Also known as Aokiji aka the Blue Pheasant, Kuzan was one of the Three Admirals with Borsalino aka Kizaru aka the Yellow Monkey and Sakazuki aka Akainu at the time when Sengoku the Buddha was Admiral Commander-in-Chief of the Navy . While he was still only a Vice-Admiral at the time of the Ohara Incident, he was the one who saved Nico Robin's life.

As Admiral, Kuzan also played an important role during the Summit War at Marine Ford. Additionally, he was a contender for the Navy's highest position, Admiral Commander-in-Chief, after Sengoku's resignation. For this, he had to face the other candidate, his colleague Admiral Akainu, but he lost this duel and retired from the Navy. Subsequently, he became a traveler who strives to always achieve his goal for Justice. We later learn that he allied himself with the Blackbeard Pirates for some reason.

One Piece Aokiji Tank Top

Kuzan Appearance

Kuzan Appearance

Born on September 21, Kuzan was 47 years old before the timeskip and is 49 years old today. When he was still Vice Admiral, on the occasion of the Ohara Incident which took place 20 years ago, Kuzan was dressed in a blue Navy shirt which he partially unbuttoned. At the time, he also wore sunglasses and a blue Navy cap. It was Nico Robin aka the Demon Child who first introduced this character, describing him as an Admiral and one of the three most powerful members of the Navy in addition to the Admiral Commander-in-Chief, Sengoku. Like his fellow Admirals, Aokiji is very tall. He surpasses each member of the Straw Hat Pirates, 👒 with the exception of Brook the Hummingbird who was not yet part of this crew when Monkey D. Luffy and his acolytes met Admiral Kuzan. He is actually 2.98m tall.

Aokiji Appearance

Before the two-year timeskip, he dressed in an indigo blue shirt above which he wore a white sleeveless vest with blue buttons. His pants 👖 as well as his shoes were white. Everything was accompanied by a yellow tie and a night mask that he wore on his forehead. His overall appearance does not suggest his status as Admiral or his overwhelming power. He also told Usopp, the Mugiwara Sniper, not to judge others based on their appearance when the latter doubted the fact that he was a Navy Admiral. After losing his fight against Akainu and leaving the Navy so as not to be under the latter's orders, Kuzan opted for a blue padded coat to which he added a light blue cap as well as round orange glasses and a bag. brown. On the one hand, he bears large scars on his right arm from his titanic duel against Sakazuki on Punk Hazard. On the other hand, thanks to his Devil Fruit, he was able to replace his lost left leg with an ice prosthesis.

Aokiji's personality

Aokiji's Personality

Despite the fact that he was an Admiral of the Navy with all the prestige and importance that this status gives him, including the responsibility of representing Justice, Aokiji is not a real blowhard. train. He is often seen snoozing. 😴 This is a relaxed and laid back character. Additionally, standing exhausts him, which may be due to his large size. He therefore prefers to sit, or even lie down on the ground and take a nap. In addition, he tends to want to flirt with all the pretty girls he meets, like Nami when he met the Straw Hat Pirates for the first time, thereby drawing anger on himself. 😤 from Sanji. Instead of the Absolute Justice advocated in particular by Akainu or the moderate Justice praised by Borsalino, Aokiji opts instead for a personal version that reflects his personality, like a cushy Quiet Justice, cool, or even a lazy justice. We understand, Kuzan is a real lazy person.

However, he is seen as a fairly nice person unlike his colleague Sakazuki who is strict, taciturn, boring and whom he also treats as an idiot. Furthermore, Aokiji seems like someone who pays special attention to his friends. This is notably seen when he respected the wish of his deceased friend, the giant Haguar D. Sauro who was a former Vice-Admiral of the Navy , by allowing Nico Robin to survive and escape during the destruction. from the island 🏝️ of Ohara by the Buster Call. Even though he is a friendly and easy-talking character, he is actually rather ambiguous. Firstly, he is not the type to like to exert himself and represents what could be described as the quiet strength of the Navy. He generally obeys the orders given to him, but he will never do more than necessary and he may even disobey if the order given goes against his moral values. And yet, he is a very brilliant Navy officer capable of freezing the sea 🌊 in order to travel there by bicycle. Even after leaving the Navy after the timeskip and his defeat against Akainu, his leitmotif remains the same, namely Justice, but he now pursues it as a traveler outside of any official framework.

Aokiji's battles

Aokiji vs Whitebeard

Aokiji vs Whitebeard

The confrontation between these two very powerful characters took place during the Battle of Marine Ford. Indeed, on one side, there is Aokiji, Admiral of the Navy, therefore one of its four powerful members with the two other Admirals and the Admiral Commander-in-Chief. On the other side, we have the one who is known to be the Strongest Man in the World, a legendary pirate as well as one of the Four Emperors, Whitebeard . It just so happens that these two protagonists were the first to take action during this war. On the pirate side, it was Whitebeard who launched the "festivities" by throwing several tsunamis 🌊 towards the Navy.

And on the Navy side, the response was not long in coming in the person of Aokiji who jumped into the air and froze the two huge waves with disconcerting ease while the other Marine soldiers were all panicking. Immediately afterwards, the Admiral followed up with an attack of spears made of ice on the Yonkô. However, the latter destroyed them, also with great ease, just by shattering the air. Because of this very powerful blow, Aokiji fell into the water and froze the entire bay, creating an area suitable for combat.

One Piece Aokiji Sweatshirt

A little later in the battle, as Edward Newgate was about to launch another phenomenal attack, Aokiji blocked him by freezing him 🥶 in a giant ice coffin. However, Whitebeard caused the block of ice to explode into thousands of pieces using vibrations. Aokiji then jumped into the air again and just as he was close to Whitebeard to attack him, he was pierced through and through by the Emperor with his Bisento, the Murakumogiri which is a Saijo O Wazamono, the one of the 12 Meito . The Marines couldn't believe their eyes and panicked thinking that the Admiral was killed, but the Admiral told them not to be idiots and began to freeze Whitebeard's Naginata. At the same time, he again created spears of ice with which he would finish off the Yonkô. But that's when Diamond Joz hit him with his diamond-covered left shoulder, throwing him far away and smashing him into pieces. Being made of ice, Aokiji was able to reconstitute himself, but his fight with Whitebeard ended there.

Aokiji vs Doflamingo

Aokiji vs Doflamingo

This event takes place in the Punk Hazard Arc after former Admiral Aokiji decided to go to Punk Hazard Island. He arrives there some time after the events that took place between the brilliant, but psychopathic scientist 🧑🏼‍🔬 Caesar Clown, the Straw Hat Pirates, Trafalgar D. Law, Smoker and the G-5 naval base . At one point, Don Quixote Doflamingo attacked Smoker and the Marines who accompanied him. The King of Dressrosa wanted to know the whereabouts of the Mugiwara and when Smoker refused to reveal it to him, the two clashed.

Unfortunately, Smoker quickly lost the fight and was about to be killed by the Corsair Captain. It was just as the fatal blow was about to be delivered that Kuzan suddenly appeared behind Smoker's back. He stopped Doflamingo's fatal gesture in its tracks just by pronouncing his recurring expression: "Arara" which means "Oh, my" . Indeed, Doflamingo immediately recognized the voice of the former and very powerful Admiral Aokiji. The latter then asked him to move away from Smoker, whom he revealed to be an old friend of his. Then follows a long eye challenge 👁️ between the two characters. And, despite everything, Doflamingo smiled and decided to execute Smoker anyway, but in a flash, Kuzan froze him in place. However, Corsair Captain Don Quixote Doflamingo broke the ice holding him back and turned to face Aokiji. The two protagonists then stare at each other again for a while until Doflamingo decides to leave and not face Aokiji as he has nothing to gain.

Kuzan Abilities

Kuzan Abilities

As a Navy Admiral, Kuzan was what could be considered one of the most powerful characters in One Piece. He participated in the stability of the world given that he was a member of one of the organizations making up the Three Great Powers, namely the Naval Headquarters in addition to the Seven Corsair Captains ☠️ and the Four Emperors . He also had the prerogative to order a Buster Call which is an operation of total destruction triggered by a golden Snail.

The fact that Sengoku nominated and supported him to succeed him as Admiral Commander-in-Chief demonstrates that he has substantial abilities. Note that he was able to master Monkey D. Luffy and the other Mugiwaras alone and with great ease. Furthermore, every time Nico Robin crosses paths with Aokiji, she always loses her footing and is seized by great panic, 😱 which very rarely happens to her even in dangerous situations, which proves the level reputation of this Admiral.

One of Kuzan's notable abilities is that he is a skilled navigator. Indeed, he was able to navigate the Grand Line or the Road of All Perils using a bicycle. 🚵🏼‍♂️ After the timeskip, he did the same thing but this time on the back of a penguin. In addition to his former rank in the Navy, his power is measured by his ability to take on very powerful figures such as Diamond Joz, the former Commander of Whitebeard's Third Fleet. It turns out that he could have even beaten Edward Newgate aka Whitebeard Yonkô .

It also seems that he has very high speed as well as stealth skills given that he was able to sneak behind the back of King 🤴🏼 of Dressrosa without the latter noticing until the moment he revealed his presence to her. He was also able to fight his colleague Admiral Akainu in a titanic duel that lasted ten days and caused permanent and irreversible damage to the island of Punk Hazard. Having been an essential asset for the Navy, its abandonment had a very negative impact within this military force.

One Piece Aokiji Shower Mat

Aside from all this and his powers and abilities linked to his Devil Fruit 🍑, Aokiji also has extraordinary physical abilities. According to Haguar D. Sauro, Kuzan's physical strength was extraordinary even before he was promoted to the rank of Admiral. In particular, he was able to counter the simultaneous attacks of Luffy, Zoro and Sanji, without suffering the slightest damage. He even emerged unscathed and without the slightest injury after receiving a kick 🦶🏼 impregnated with Weaponry Haki delivered by Marco the Phoenix .

He has also been seen jumping from great heights in fractions of a second in order to freeze tsunamis caused by Whitebeard. His sense of hearing is also highly developed as he was able to hear what was going on under the ocean before the Summit War began. And, at the end of the great battle of Marine Ford, we see that he escaped unscathed. Finally, like all senior officers of the Navy (Vice-Admirals and Admirals), Kuzan masters Haki. This is particularly the case of Busoshoku no Haki or Armament Haki which he used against Joz as well as Marco during the Battle of Marine Ford. He also knows how to master Kenbunshoku no Haki or Observation Haki .

Devil Fruit: Hie Hie no Mi

Devil Fruit: Hie Hie no Mi

Aokiji is the holder of the Hie Hie no Mi which is a Logia type Devil Fruit . Called in French Givro-Fruit, 🍦 this gives its user the ability to create ice, manipulate it or even become ice himself, which makes him the Frost-Man. Indeed, Kuzan is capable of freezing absolutely everything he touches such as water and even the sea for several kilometers in order to be able to move there by bicycle. The layer of ice created can remain as it is for a whole week. However, the Hie Hie no Mi is mainly used for combat since its user has the possibility of not only creating ice weapons just with blades of grass 🌾 on which he blows, but also of freezing his opponents just by touching them. It immobilizes them, makes their bodies vulnerable and puts them at its mercy. Another advantage of this Devil Fruit is that physical attacks have no repercussions on its user. In case the opponent breaks it, it only needs to reconstitute itself since it is made of ice.

The power of this Devil Fruit is such that half of an island was transformed into a frozen desert and the climate changed following the clash between Aokiji and Akainu for the position of Admiral Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. Its power is much greater than that of the Yuki Yuki no Mi of the harpy woman Monet aka the Snow Woman given that the temperature of ice is significantly lower than that of snow. ❄️ Indeed, the cold released by ice is close to that of liquid nitrogen which is - 195.79° Celsius. This cold is so intense that it is capable of freezing metal and modifying its physical structure as well as its solidity. Aokiji has the ability to build up enough ice to freeze people, such as Nico Robin or Whitebeard, a Giant and even a Sea King, these sea monsters that are much larger and majestic than other sea monsters. He even managed to freeze the tsunamis caused by the Whitebeard Yonkô whose height was greater than that of the Marine Headquarters at Marine Ford.

Hie Hie no Mi by Aokiji

Despite the great power of Hie Hie no Mi, this Devil Fruit 🌾 comes with some weaknesses. On the one hand, it is not very effective against pyrokinetic powers since fire seems to be able to neutralize ice. This was particularly the case against the skills of Portgas D's Mera Mera no Mi. Ace aka Ace of the Silver Fists and Admiral Akainu was able to melt Aokiji's ice in a very short time. help from his lava devil fruit. Additionally, Aokiji is weaker when he is in hot places such as a desert ⏳ for example. It also appears that the ice is powerless against the tremors emitted by Whitebeard since, thanks to the power of the Gura Gura no Mi or Fruit of the Tremor , the latter managed to free himself after being frozen by Admiral Aokiji. It is important to note that of all Logia-type Devil Fruits, Hie Hie no Mi is one of the only ones whose user can be hit by physical attacks. Indeed, unlike the other Logia types known to date and which are intangible (smoke, sand, lightning, fire, 🔥 darkness, etc.), ice is water in a solid state. On the other hand, as we saw previously, the majority of attacks have no repercussions on the user of this Devil Fruit.

History of Kuzan

The origins

History of Kuzan

Kuzan was already known 27 years ago before the events told in the One Piece series at the same time as the famous Battle of Ed War was raging between the Roger Pirates and the immense fleet of Shiki the Lion 🦁 Gold. He was seen at Marine Ford alongside other Vice Admirals Haguar D. Sauro, Sakazuki aka Akainu, Tsuru aka The Great Tactician and Monkey D. Garp aka the Navy Hero congratulating the latter for saying no upon his appointment to the rank of Admiral. Subsequently, 22 years ago before the timeskip, he was part of the Vice-Admirals who led the Buster Call against the island of Ohara. He is the one who had to kill his own friend Haguar D. Sauro for revolting against the Navy. However, in honor of the memory of his friend, he respected his wish to spare the life of Nico Robin who was only a child at the time and helped him escape from the island clandestinely. On the other hand, he had warned her that he was not her ally and that if she did something reprehensible, he would be the first to come and capture her. And subsequently, Kuzan seems to regret his action since Robin has become someone too dangerous and who requires his intervention.

Meet the Straw Hat Pirates

Meet the Straw Hat Pirates

Indeed, Admiral Aokiji aka the Blue Pheasant met the Mugiwaras crew for the first time on an unnamed island. Having known that he was a Navy Admiral and that at the mere sight of him, Nico Robin trembled like a leaf, Luffy and his friends thought that he wanted to harm her or capture her. So they wanted to fight with him when he just said he was going for a walk. In fact, he especially wanted to see what became of Nico Robin, the young girl he had saved long ago, and Luffy, the grandson of Garp the Hero , with his own eyes. 👀 After coming to the aid of survivors of a shipwreck together, Kuzan and the Mugiwaras became friends. However, things escalated when Kuzan declared that their crew was sure to become a problem quickly and that it might be best if they died now.

Then began a clash between them during which he neutralized Zoro, Sanji and Luffy in a single blow. He then froze Nico Robin completely, threw Nami to the ground then also froze Luffy, but spared his life because the latter had taken care of Crocodile 🐊 in his place. Knowing that Luffy and his crew would then go to Water Seven, Kuzan warned Spandam, the leader of CP9 or Cipher Pol. 9 of their imminent arrival. He also allowed the latter to use a Buster Call to force Nico Robin to give himself up. After the Mugiwaras with the help of the Franky Family and the foremen of the Galley-la Company defeated CP9 and saved Robin while Enies Lobby aka Judiciary Island was destroyed by the Buster Call, the Blue Pheasant decided to let Robin at peace since she had changed and found her place.

The Battle of Marine Ford

The Battle of Marine Ford

As Admiral of the Navy, Kuzan was present during the War at Marine Ford's Summit in 1522 alongside the other two Admirals at the planned execution platform for Portgas D. Ace. He was also the first on the Navy side to intervene in this legendary battle when he stopped the very first attack launched by Whitebeard on Marine Ford, namely two gigantic tsunamis which he simply froze. Then he froze the bay to allow the two groups to fight each other. During this battle, he will freeze Buggy the Clown 🤡 aka the Thousand Piece Clown as well as other escaped prisoners from the Impel Down underwater prison. Following Sengoku's orders, he also took care of freezing the Video Snailphones so that the events would no longer be broadcast to the world after the false information that Whitebeard had betrayed his allies was spread.

Thermosensitive Mug One Piece The Admirals

He also tried to stop Luffy in his race to save Ace, but the latter was protected by Marco the Phoenix on the orders of his captain, the Strongest Man in the World . He then used his Haki in conjunction with Borsalino and Akainu to stop the shockwave unleashed by Whitebeard 🧙🏼‍♂️ and targeting the scaffold. He also tried to confine the Emperor inside a huge block of ice, but in vain since the latter managed to escape by making it explode thanks to his tremors. Having gotten involved in his confrontation against Whitebeard, Diamond Joz was completely frozen and lost his right arm at the same time. He also wanted to stop Ace who was freed by Luffy, but due to Ace's Devil Fruit powers opposing his own (fire versus ice), his attempt failed. To prevent the pirates from escaping on their ships, Kuzan froze Marine Ford Bay again. At the end of hostilities, he tried to freeze the Trafalgar submarine D. Water Law aka the Surgeon of Death in which Luffy was evacuated, but he failed as did Borsalino with his light lasers.

Punk Hazard

Punk Hazard

After this war, Sengoku resigned as Admiral Commander-in-Chief of the Navy and recommended Admiral Aokiji as his successor. However, the Five Elders 👴🏼 or the Council of Five Elders for their part wanted Admiral Akainu to inherit the position. Then followed a bloody clash between the two Admirals on the island of Punk Hazard to determine who would occupy the post. It was finally Akainu who won the duel after 10 days of fighting and who was promoted. As for Kuzan, he left the Navy not wanting to be under Sakazuki's orders. We then see him again in the Punk Hazard Arc when he saved the life of his friend, Vice-Admiral Smoker aka the White Hunter , whom Don Quixote Doflamingo tries to kill.

He froze the latter to prevent it, but not to the bones or the heart so as not to kill him. Following this and after Doflamingo's departure, Aokiji asked Smoker to request from Sakazuki the deployment of the Admirals to find and monitor Doflamingo, because he could become the next major problem for the new Admiral Commander-in-Chief since his appointment. This is how we learn of Kuzan's new role, namely a traveler who still pursues the same objective, Justice, but this time in an unofficial way. It is also during this event that we discover the former Admiral's new pet, which is called Camel and is a Super-Penguin . 🐧 Like his master, he is very lazy and likes to sleep a lot.

Arc Dressrosa and Arc Whole Cake

Arc Dressrosa and Arc Whole Cake

During a conversation between Burgess and his captain the Emperor 👑 Marshall D. Teach aka Blackbeard after the battle royal of Block C., the name of Aokiji is mentioned. Burgess notably declared that he did not trust the ex-Admiral of the Navy, which leads us to believe that the latter had been in contact with Blackbeard and his crew. This was proven as, during the heated exchange between Sakazuki and the Council of Five Elders, it was revealed that Kuzan had joined the Blackbeard Pirates. Subsequently, we see Aokiji and his Super-Penguin Camel again in the twenty-second mini-adventure titled The Docks of the World: The Arc of the 500 Million Man . 💵 The former Admiral was on a snowy island reading the newspapers and having a barbecue.

An incredible fight: Aokiji vs Akainu

An incredible fight: Aokiji vs Akainu

After almost 20 years of loyal service in the highest place 🏅 within the Navy, Admiral Commander-in-Chief Sengoku decided to leave his post after the Ford Marine Summit War. To replace him, Sengoku himself opted for Admiral Aokiji and recommended him to General Kong, the Commander of the Armed Forces of the World Government while the Five Elders had chosen Admiral Akainu. Knowing the latter's extreme ideas and excessive cruelty, Kuzan refused to allow him to be at the head of the Navy. It was therefore decided that the two candidates would face off in a duel to see who would be promoted and it was the island of Punk Hazard that was selected as the battleground. It was an epic and bloody fight 🩸 that lasted ten days and ultimately ended with Akainu's victory despite both suffering terrible injuries. For his part, Aokiji was seriously injured in his shoulder and right arm. He also lost his left leg. However, his life was spared by Akainu due to the fact that they were comrades.

Note that this confrontation was in fact so violent that the island was ravaged and changed forever in its geographical structure as well as its environment and its climate. The western part of Punk Hazad is today known as Les Terres de Glaces or Ice Lands . The area has transformed into a land of ice dominated by freezing cold 🌨️ with gigantic ice mountains everywhere and icebergs floating around. The situation on this side of the island relates to the powers of Admiral Aokiji's Hie Hie no Mi. As for the other part to the east of the island, it is today called Les Terres Brûlées or Burning Lands because it has become a landscape covered in lava and fire. The buildings 🏯 present in this area of ​​the island have melted or been distorted and the surrounding sea has been changed into a sea of ​​fire. This state is due to Sakazuki's powers linked to his Devil Fruit, Magu Magu no Mi.

Become a friend of the mighty Kuzan

As you could see in this article, Kuzan is one of the most powerful characters in the One Piece universe . He was able to stand up to legendary pirates 🏴‍☠️ like Whitebeard and was able to oppose Admiral Akainu in a duel that lasted 10 days.

You can become friends with this powerful fighter if you wish. For this, show him your love for Justice, 🏛️ but true Justice and not cruel Justice. Having a friend of such power will be of great help to you in progressing and becoming a great fighter for Justice yourself. You can also take advantage of the goodies dedicated to Kuzan present on our site.

One Piece Aokiji vs Akainu Sweatshirt

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