One Piece Théorie

15 Interesting Theories About One Piece

Eiichiro Oda is the author of one of the greatest and longest-running fiction series of all time. 22 years later, he confirmed that we were only 80% of the way through the manga . A long fiction like this has left room for a large number of theories.

Here's a list featuring 15 One Piece theories that we hope turn out to be true!

15. Shanks is the father of Makino's baby

On the cover of Chapter 614, Makino, a close friend of Monkey D. Luffy from his hometown, is seen holding an infant while smiling at the news of Luffy's return ✋. In SBS Volume 63, Oda confirms that the child is Makino's. He also makes a weird joke about the baby's potential father .

Many fans believe that the father is none other than Red Shanks . Indeed, Makino and the redhead have a good relationship and have known each other for a long time. Not to mention that Shanks clearly had time to pass through East Blue during the timeskip. We can deduce from this that the chances that he is the father of the child are not zero.

Shanks Poster

14. Dragon possesses the wind fruit

Monkey D.Dragon
Monkey D. Dragon is undoubtedly one of the characters with the most mystery. Even after 20 years, few facts are known about him. The only thing many fans agree on is that his powers are probably derived from a devil fruit 🍓.

Based on evidence from the Logue Town and post-war arcs, Dragon appears to be able to wield wind and storms. Which would make him a potential logia user . With a power as versatile as wind, it's no wonder he's considered one of the most dangerous characters. 🌬

13. The giant straw hat is connected to Uranus

Straw hat

One Piece fans got a shock in chapter 906 were shocked to learn that in Marie-Geoise there was a giant straw hat and an icy room. Although he remains very enigmatic, we see him shortly after Doflamingo makes revelations about Marie-Geoise's treasure. During Dressrosa, Doflamingo 🧶 states that this treasure could easily shake the entire planet .

With such supposed power, readers immediately theorized that the national treasure would be none other than the Ancient weapon: Uranus , and somehow equating it to the giant hat 🎩. Some see through the hat a secret to locating Uranus, others simply think it is the Uranus weapon or that it is hidden under the hat 🧭.

12. Big Mom made Kaido immortal

Big Mom Kaido
In chapter 907, Big Mom and Kaido argue over the right to eliminate Luffy who had interfered in the affairs of the two Yonkos. During the debate, Big Mom reminds Kaido that the latter owes her a lifetime debt . Fans did not wait to develop countless theories justifying this debt that a Yonko like Kaido could have towards someone like Big Mom 🍰.

One of them states that Kaido's inability to die is linked to Big Mom's power to control the souls. If we take into account that she was part of the mysterious Rocks crew, the theory in which she would have granted him souls to save his life or make him stronger remains plausible.

11. Gear 4 shapes

Luffy Gear 4

In the current arc, the crew and their partners are preparing for their confrontation with Kaido 💥 . In preparation for his rematch against Kaido, some fans predict that Luffy will develop 2 new forms of his Gear 4. It could be that the first transformation is a form in which Luffy is oriented towards the "Eagleman" aerial domain.

For the second, the theories agree towards a “Tigerman” version of the Gear 4 with enough great strike force to face Kaido. This theory is fueled by the fact that in Japanese mythology 👺, it is common to represent tigers and dragons as equals, and we know Oda's penchant for mythological references. This is therefore not an avenue to rule out.

10. Blackbeard is three people in one body

White beard

During the Marineford Arc, Blackbeard shook the world of One Piece using two different Devil Fruit powers 🍇. A feat that was supposed to be impossible.

According to a popular theory, Blackbeard was successful because he has a condition called " fetus in fetu " and has two siblings inside him. Evidence supporting this theory includes how Luffy and Zoro mention during the Jaya arc that Blackbeard may be "more than a" guy 👨‍👧‍👧.

During the Marineford arc, Marco also says that Blackbeard's body is unique . Finally, his Jolly Roger has three skulls . This is all very mysterious and makes this theory rather interesting.

9. The Old Kingdom and Raftel are one and the same

Before the tragedies, the scholars of Ohara had found the true name of the Old Kingdom. Unfortunately, the Gorosei kept the name a mystery by eliminating them. After the Mugiwaras' meeting with Rayleigh, he explains that Roger's crew has reached Raftel but that they have also discovered the secrets of the Forgotten Century and therefore those of the Old Kingdom 👑.

Whitebeard also reveals before his death that when One Piece is discovered, it will turn the world upside down 🌀. There are lots of little elements that lead us to think that Raftel and the Old Kingdom are in fact one and the same place.

8. Joyboy was the ruler of the ancient kingdom

During the Fish-Men Arc, Robin discovers a poneglyph on which is inscribed an apology message from someone named Joyboy to a mermaid princess 🧜‍♀️, who was also Elder Poseidon . So a theory emerged that Joyboy was the ruler of the Old Kingdom.

Evidence supporting this supposition is the fact that Joyboy shares several commonalities with a Javanese king named Jayabaya . He also prophesied that a chosen one called Ratu Adil would restore peace to the world 🙏.

7. Devil fruits are linked to electromagnetism

Devil's fruit
For a long time, several theories have been created in order to explain how fruits work. A theory developed by CAMUNAI explains that their properties would be centered on electromagnetic waves. This theory uses the science of electromagnetism to explain how devil fruits work, as well as their weaknesses to water, sea granite, and weaponry haki ⚓ .

To summarize, water being composed of polar molecules ❄ , would absorb electromagnetic waves from devil fruit users, which weakens them. The same would apply to the properties of marine granite. She even manages to explain how weaponry haki affects devil fruit users through a phenomenon known as "black body" , where a body or object absorbs electromagnetic radiation.

6. The inheritance of will

Red Line
Ashura_KingFisher's theory is one of the most popular among One Piece fans. She explains that One Piece is a project developed by the Old Kingdom that involves using ancient weapons to destroy Redline. With the aim of uniting the Grand Line, Calm Belt and the four Blues into one ocean. To finally create the legendary All Blue 🌊.

In chapter 610, Madame Shyarly has a vision predicting that Luffy would destroy Fishman Island. Which fits with the theory of Redline's destruction also destroying Fishman Island. Which implies that its inhabitants also came to the surface 🐟...

5. The Betrayer of Wano

With the Wano arc underway, fans quickly found themselves discussing a very important theory. Who is the traitor of Wano ? When Jack found Zou and knew Raizo was there, people started to frown because someone was obviously leaking information to the latter.

In Wano, Orochi and Kaido continued to obtain intelligence on the alliance, and after analyzing each candidate, it seems that the traitor is none other than Kanjuro . He was in Zou 🐘, and he was of little or no use in Wano. Plus, his past is also shady. We hope this theory is true.

4. Shanks' Sword

Sword Shanks
Shanks is one of the 4 Yonko from One Piece whose powers we were waiting to see. At first glance, he is primarily a swordsman, as he is often seen carrying one. Recently, Oda revealed that his name is Griffon .

In One Piece Chapter 965, we got our first look at Roger's crew, and the sword that Roger modified was eerily similar to the one Shanks currently possesses. Shanks had also inherited Roger's hat in the past, so it won't come as a surprise that he also held his sword. For now, this remains a theory, but we would like it to be true ✅.

3. Shimotsuki Zoro

Roronoa Zoro's past was kept very well under the covers by Eiichiro Oda. Although we are told that he is from East Blue, there is also the fact that Oda clearly said that a ship 🚢 left Wano 50 years ago and arrived in East Blue. Koushiro having the same symbol on his outfit as those of Hakumai, it is possible that he, with Zoro, is from the country of Wano .

Roronoa Zoro is believed to be a member of the Shimotsuki clan of Wano, one of the families of Wano (Daimyō). We don't know exactly who his father is, or what connection he has with Yasu or Ushimaru, but we will probably find out soon. ⏲

2. The death of Trafalgar Law

Oda rarely presents things without following through. During the Dressrosa arc, Oda revealed the secrets of Ope no Mi and told us how the Surgeon of Death could grant immortality in exchange for his life ❤.

In Wano, many believe that Trafalgar Law will fall and end up using his power of immortality on someone. Law's death has been foreshadowed numerous times, and while he's a fan favorite, the deaths of the main characters add a good amount of emotion when delivered well.

Trafalgar law sweatshirt

1. Blackbeard is from Drum Island

In One Piece Chapter 966, the Whitebeard Pirates clash with Roger's Pirates and it is revealed that their "friendly" fight lasts for 3 days and 3 nights. On the fourth day, while everyone was partying, Buggy and Shanks mention that Blackbeard didn't sleep at all. In fact, rumor has it that he never slept in his life . 😴 Marshall D. Teach Interestingly, during the Drum arc, Luffy mentions that someone, probably from Shanks' team, once told him that people in these countries don't sleep or die. Since Blackbeard doesn't sleep, this could well mean that he comes from a snowy country, and that he may not be human at all ! ☃

We are already at the end of this section! While waiting for the next ones, don't hesitate to consult the ultimate devil fruit guild while waiting for the next ones !

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