The Otsutsuki Clan happens to be the main catalyst for the majority of the major adventures of the Naruto saga and although the final fight of the license is, Naruto vs Sasuke, Kaguya is the true ultimate antagonist 🤬 of the saga. Unfortunately, Kaguya was revealed very late in the franchise's adventures and has a relatively complex story, leaving some fans confused as to what exactly Kaguya was. The Manga attempted to remedy this situation with extended flashbacks, but the story of the Otsutsuki clan continued to expand even after the end of Naruto, which reinforced the mystery.
It is therefore time to discover in this article, all the particularities and the truth about the Otsutsuki Clan .
History of the Otsutsuki Clan on Earth
The Ōtsutsuki clan is an ancient clan of horned celestial beings (天津人, amatsubito). 👿 After the arrival of one of the clan members on Earth a millennium ago, the Ōtsutsuki clan permanently dominated the different ninja peoples, because they represented both Gods and the very essence of chakra for shinobi.
Regarding the presence of the Otsutsuki in the world of Naruto, Kaguya landed on earth with her ally and began to cultivate chakra fruits 🍈, however it seems that she has become strangely attached to the way of life of this planet . The future villainess separated herself from the other Otsutsuki, and sought to claim Earth as her own and was worshiped as a goddess by humanity.
Unfortunately for her, her obsession with power backfired. His sons and humanity rebelled, resulting in his sealing. Thanks to Kaguya's descendants, the gift of mastering chakra was passed on to all ninjas, under the word ninjutsu , 📜 while the divine tree was divided into nine parts out of prudence. These different parts are actually the nine tailed beasts that we see in the world of Naruto. Following Kaguya's defeat, Momoshiki and Kinshinki Otsutsuki were dispatched to planet Earth in order to unveil her fate.
The origin of the Ninja World
In the Naruto series, chakras were the essence of life and humanity. Kaguya taught her sons, Hagoromo and Hamura , to harness nature 🌱 and spread this latent energy to humans. But it turns out that she became bitter and wanted to reabsorb that chakra, using the ten tails which would then transform into a divine tree, trapping all shinobi in its branches and feeding off the chakra. 🌳 This created a chakra fruit, which Kaguya and her ilk ate. While at first there was doubt about the intentions of the Otsutsuki Clan , it turns out that their objective is the "evolution" plan.
Appearance of the Otsutsuki clan
The main family members of the original clan all possess pale white skin, white/lavender eyes without pupils, blue or white hair, eyebrows shaved into a circle as a sign of nobility, and most importantly, various types of brown protrusions on the head resembling horns. 🤘
Their biology is close enough to humans to be able to procreate with them, and half of human hybrids have horn-like protrusions, but they are less pronounced and usually appear the same color as their skin.
Is it possible to become an Otsutsuki
It seems that it is possible to become a member of the Otsutsuki Clan. Indeed, judging from Jigen's inner monologue, Momoshiki gave the Mark of Kama to Boruto just before his death. The kama seal/mark that Boruto possesses could well be the trigger for the future reincarnations of the Otsutsuki Clan. ⚰️
The seal marks appear to be linked to the reincarnation of Ashura/Indra. Additionally, descendants of the Otsutsuki can be reincarnated millennia after their death. It is therefore entirely possible that Boruto was marked as a candidate for Otsutsuki's reincarnation or that at least part of Momoshiki's chakra survives in the protagonist's seal, just like the seals of Orochimaru's curse . 🐍
Members of the Otsutsuki Clan
The Otsutsuki clan is the strongest known clan in the Naruto series. Although most of the details about this clan are shrouded in mystery, what we do know for sure is that all of its members are monstrously powerful. 💪 Almost all Otsutsuki in the series have access to the powerful Kekkei Genkai and divine powers . Here are the 10 best Otsutsuki in the series, ranked by their power.
10. Toneri Otsutsuki
9. Urashiki Otsutsuki
8. Indra Otsutsuki
Hagoromo's eldest son, Indra Otsutsuki , was an incredible genius who inherited his father's powers . From his early childhood, he showed signs of a prodigy that shocked even the Sage of the Six Paths to some extent. Indra, however, was unable to lead the clan after his father's death, which made him obsessed with revenge. His one and only objective was therefore to dethrone his brother, Asura.
7. Asura Otsutsuki
Born weak, Asura Otsutsuki followed a difficult path in life and trained for years to get closer to his brother's level. His ability to make friends is what led Hagoromo to choose him as his successor. As Asura grew older, his powers had become greater than those of his brother, and that is why he was able to defeat him in battle. ⚔️ The two men continued to reincarnate until Naruto and Sasuke finally settled their score and put an end to the cycle of hatred!
6. Hamura Otsutsuki
5. Kinshiki Otsutsuki
4. Momoshiki Otsutsuki
Kinshiki's partner, Momoshiki Otsutsuki , was very formidable, he constituted one of the greatest threats that the shinobi world had ever encountered. After eating Kinshiki, he became powerful enough to fight against both Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha. 🦊🐍Momoshiki ended up dying at the hands of Boruto Uzumaki, but his spirit remains alive in his kama seal, inside Boruto's Jogan.
3. Isshiki Otsutsuki
2. Kaguya Otsutsuki
1. Hagoromo Otsutsuki
Also known as the Sage of Six Paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki was Kaguya's son and inherited her divine powers from birth. For some reason, Hagoromo was much stronger than his brother, Hamura, and even his mother, Kaguya, felt threatened by his mere presence. 😱 With the help of his brother, Hagoromo was able to fight and defeat Kaguya Otsutsuki and end her tyrannical hold on humanity. After Kaguya was sealed away, Hagoromo became even stronger by becoming the 10-Tailed Demon's first Jinchūriki. Hagoromo is, without a doubt, the most incredible Otsutsuki known in the series to date.
Objective of the Otsutsuki Clan: evolution
The goal of the Otsutsuki Clan is actually to spread ten-tailed beasts throughout the cosmos. They actually have the role of scout with the aim of choosing planets with unique creatures in order to feed themselves and thus become stronger . 🍴They suck up citizens, regardless of their species, in order to cultivate chakra fruits. The Ōtsutsuki clan uses chakra imprinting and genetic codes to rewrite their own DNA . It is about evolving their body and mind, and transforming themselves into a being with the power of a God.
This is why they have internal rivalries , 🧨 because it's really a competition to see who can round up the most advanced species. This is also why they create unrest, chaos and wars, so that their targets develop their powers, in order to obtain better genetics to absorb.
The Powers of the Otsutsuki Family - Origin
The Otsutsuki family has the natural ability to teleport between different dimensions 🛸. Their home world has not yet been revealed, and it is possible that this family has been on the move for so long that their place of origin has either been destroyed or forgotten. The Otsutsuki travel in pairs and seek out Divine Trees - natural events that appear in multiple dimensions. From these special trees, chakra fruits can be harvested, and it is by eating these tasty treats that the Otsutsuki maintain their power and prolong their lives. 📈
In addition, eating chakra fruits allows members of the Otsutsuki clan to acquire extraordinary speed and strength, as well as almost total mastery of techniques originating from the different chakras , also called ninjutsu . 📜 The Otsutsuki also have an affinity with the Kekkei Genkai, but also with powerful hereditary techniques. For example, the powerful Kaguya possesses both the Hyuuga clan's Byakugan, the Uchiha clan's Rinne Sharingan, and the bone-based jutsu used by the ninja Kimimaro.
If you still have a little time on your hands, we have written an awesome Wiki around the different Jinchuriki transformations . So come take a look now 😀
C’est bizarre Kaguya a quand même défoncé Isshiki qui n’a eu d’autre solution de se transférer dans Jiggen
Je pense que dans le classement ishiki devrait être le 1er étant donné que dans le manga il a été dit qu’il est plus puisant enplus de cela on ne l’a jamais vu a pleine puissance étant donné qu’il était limité dans le corps de jigen qui n’arrivait pas à contenir tout le pouvoir de ishiki tellement celui ci était vaste si il était dans le corps de kawaki ça ne fait aucun doute que le mode baryon aurait été ineficace face à lui
Je suis juste pas trop d’accord avec le classement, 10: indra 9:asura 8: toneri 7: kinshiki 6: urashiki 5: hamura 4:momoshiki 3: hagoromo 2: Kaguya 1: isshiki.
Il est dit que isshiki est plus fort que kaguya
Je trouve ça très intéressant et très prometteurs sur tout au niveau de boruto j’espère que l’auteur saura développer les Otsotsuki et nous faire passer du bon temps