Comment faire un bon Cosplay ?

How to make a good Cosplay?

If you are reading these few lines, you are probably as passionate as we are about the world of manga, anime and video games. And like many otaku you are considering taking the plunge to try your hand at the joys of cosplay. But what is it exactly? And how to master this very particular art?

The objective of this blog article is precisely to allow you to learn more about cosplaying . By offering you a detailed guide on the elements to take into account, we hope that you will be able to fully live your passion and try your hand at the joys of disguise in the world of manga!

What is cosplay?

Cosplay is a discipline which consists of adopting the physical appearance of a character . Although most of the time this concerns a hero from the Manga universe, it is not obligatory to dress up exclusively as an icon of Japanese culture. 🏯

Coming from the contraction of the words “costume” and “play”, this term literally refers to the idea of ​​leisure attributed to the pleasure of disguise. 🎎 Becoming popular with the advent of social networks, this practice constitutes a new form of art in which certain influencers truly give the feeling of embodying their character.

Who can cosplay?

aot cosplay

The answer is simple: absolutely everyone . Cosplay relies on fans' ability to use their imagination to create and wear the costumes of their choice. 👪 Whether you are a child, a teenager or an adult, a man or a woman, you can obviously cosplay. We are also seeing more and more cosplayers integrating their pet to make their disguise even more real.

When to cosplay?

Although it's possible to dress up whenever you want, there are occasions when you can more easily meet other cosplayers . Enough to share your passion for manga and your taste for disguise to make other otaku fans dream. 🏮

The most famous event to cosplay at is undoubtedly the Japan Expo . 🇯🇵 Bringing together all fans of Japanese culture, this place will allow you to freely express your creativity. Along the aisles filled with manga and Japanese accessories, you will enjoy taking photos alongside other enthusiasts in costume.

cosplay japan expo

More generally, video game conventions are perfect for cosplayers. The same goes for gatherings and events organized by YouTubers. 🖥 What better way to dress up than to surround yourself with fans with whom you share a common passion? In addition, these events go beyond the strictly Japanese framework and will allow you to expand your possibilities in terms of costumes.

Finally, all parties requiring a costume will be events made for you. Whether it's Halloween , Carnival 🎊 or a fancy dress party with friends, you can let your taste for cosplay express itself. Let's now see point by point how you should think about creating your disguises.

How to cosplay?

Are you determined to enter the magical world of cosplayers but you don't know where to start? Let's see point by point all the elements you need to pay attention to in order to achieve the best possible cosplay.

1 - Choose your character

saitama cosplay

Even though it may seem obvious, choosing the character for your cosplay is a step that should not be neglected . Whether you decide to make your costume yourself or buy a suitable costume directly, you need to be sure you are making the right choice. 👩🏼‍🎤 Indeed, you will probably use your disguise more than once in the future and the goal is that you like it as much in the future as you do now.

Another important element in choosing your character is their posture in the manga to which they belong. Is he a bad guy or a good guy? 🎭 Is he appreciated by other fans or on the contrary mocked? Your goal is obviously to please yourself above all. However, the reactions of other otaku during events will impact your enjoyment of cosplay. So make sure to choose a character that you will be proud of and that you want to embody.

2 - Find the right clothes

Now that you know who your cosplay character will be, you will need to dress to look as much like them as possible . 🧥 For this step, no pressure: the objective is not necessarily to have clothes perfectly identical to your hero. This is why you can choose to buy a Manga costume or sew and assemble your clothes yourself.

Another important point is to determine what outfit you want to wear. In most manga, the main character evolves and his outfit changes with him. The goal is above all that your cosplay is recognizable and that it is inspired by the main physical features of the person you will be playing. 👘 For example, Naruto is a character who dresses in orange. However, you will have to choose whether you want to wear his child's, adolescent's or adult ninja's outfit.

3 – Equip yourself with accessories

What would cosplay be without the accessories that bring it to life? Can you imagine Luffy without his straw hat? 👒 Well that's exactly how you should think when doing your cosplay. The important thing is to succeed in immersing yourself, but also the people around you, in a different universe. We need to feel like we're living your adventures with you, as if we were there.

So take the time to analyze what your hero's equipment is made of before making your cosplay. Will you need to carry a Zanpakuto-style sword for Ichigo? 🗡 Or do you need a pair of red gloves to play Saitama? 🥊 And what would the members of Akatsuki be without theirRing and Striped Headband ? So many details that will add a real dimension to your costume.

4 – Get the right hairstyle

sakura cosplay

One of the most characteristic elements in the Manga universe is the original haircut that each character has. A true element of differentiation, it finalizes the physical appearance of a hero and gives him a charisma of his own. 💇🏻 What would Kakashi be without his long, messy gray hair? Or Franky and his recognizable blue haircut?

For cosplayers, hair is like a cherry on the cake that allows you to finalize a costume. 👌 You can also very easily change your hairstyle, whatever your budget. Don't hesitate to use styling gel and wax to shape your hair. Take a large surface color bomb to give them the chosen color. And if necessary, you can easily find inexpensive wigs in stores to complete your outfit.

5 – Adopt the right attitude

At this point, you will have everything you need to physically resemble the manga character of your choice. By wearing your disguise we will really have the impression of living your adventures with you. There will only be one thing left to do to truly bring your hero to life: adopt the right attitude.

Do some research on how to talk about your cosplay. Find out how he moves or just looks around. 👀 For example, Killer Bee always talks while rapping. Conversely, Itachi is very silent and full of mystery. Luffy, for his part, expresses himself loudly and exudes the joy of living at all times. To enjoy yourself and have as much fun as possible, your cosplay must be more than just a disguise: you must become your hero .

How to cosplay Naruto?

naruto cosplay

You now know more about the different elements to consider when creating the cosplay of your dreams. Let's now look at some manga universes to help you create your disguises. And what better way to do that than to start with the famous shinobis of Konoha? ⚔️

Naruto-inspired cosplays are some of the most common ones you'll come across at conventions. Their characters are colorful and it is very easy to recognize them. 🎉 So they are an ideal option if you want to start cosplaying and have fun with your friends. Discover our collection ofNaruto Cosplays now and join a large community of fans.

In addition, Naruto offers the possibility of creating your own character by making a personalized Ninja costume . All you have to do is choose the headband of the village you want to belong to and equip yourself with a few kunais. For the rest, there is no doubt that your imagination will allow you to invent a new Ninja in Konoha, Kiri village or elsewhere.

How to cosplay One Piece?

luffy cosplay

The One Piece universe is the most extensive of all the manga in existence. With over 20 years of writing and developing his story, Eichiro Oda has created the most expansive world possible. 📚 A real opportunity if you want to dress up in the colors of the characters most loved by fans. Discover our collection ofOne Piece Cosplays now.

In addition, just like Naruto, don't forget that it is possible to create your own pirate character and bring it to life at the Japan Expo. 🏴‍☠️ You just have to imagine his physical features as well as the power of the devil fruit he ate. All you have to do is create your pirate flag and find One Piece accessories to bring it to life.

How to cosplay Dragon Ball?

DBZ Cosplay

Finally, we couldn't tell you about the different licenses without mentioning the most legendary of all. It's obviously Dragon Ball Z. 🐉 Do you feel like a Super Saiyan and want to be one? Do you want to step into the shoes of Goku or Vegeta to launch powerful Kamehameha? Then theDragon Ball Cosplays from our partner Goku Shop are exactly what you need.

The key to creating a Dragon Ball costume is to think about the basis of your costume: the clothes. You can opt for a traditional orange outfit , worn by Goku, Krillin and Yamcha for example. Or you can choose a blue super warrior outfit with white armor, like the soldiers in Vegeta's army. By selecting your yellow or black wig depending on the power ☄️ you want to release, you will undoubtedly be recognized by all fans of this manga!

What is your favorite cosplay?

Thanks to this article, you now know everything you need to know to create the cosplay of your dreams. Otaku passion is one of the most rewarding and dressing up within a community of fans will bring you intense moments of joy and sharing. 🦸‍♀️ We hope that you will be one of those who bring manga passion to life at the conventions and events that take place all year round.

With all this information, we are curious to know which cosplay is your favorite? Is this a One Punch Man cosplay featuring Saitama? Or do you prefer to dress up as Ichigo with Bleach cosplays? Tell us in the comments, we will be happy to know more about what interests you personally. In the meantime, you will find all the disguises of your choice by taking a look at our collection ofManga Cosplays . See you soon, Otaku friend!

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1 comment

Ohayo ! J’ai adoré ce blog, je connaissais bien évidemment les cosplays, moi même, j’ai un cosplay ( presque terminé ) de Shingeky No Kyojin ^ Mon manga préféré et grand coup de cœur, je souhaitais avoir le cosplay complet afin de me déguiser en Hanji ^ mon personnage féminin préférée, hélas il me manque encore les bottes et l’équipement de manœuvre tridimensionnelle qui est très compliqué à obtenir et trop cher pour mes parents qui ne comprenne pas l’utilité d’acheter cela ^’ j’ai donc pensé à le fabriquer mais cela reste très dur xD Comme vous l’avez dit, pour les coiffures, j’ai juste besoin de me coiffer comme elle ^- Ce blog m’a beaucoup aidé, j’ai trouvé cela très intéressant. C’était très agréable de le lire avec toutes ces belles images, rien à redire, c’est très bien ^ Voilà j’ai fait mon petit commentaire ^ Sayonara !

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Attack on Titan
Demon Slayer
Dragon Ball
My Hero Academia
One Piece
One Punch Man