Couple One Piece

Couples in One Piece!

While fans loved multiple One Piece romances, they hated others.

Eiichiro Oda, the legendary creator of One Piece 👑 is known for pushing romance to the periphery .

Let's now discover the couples that One Piece fans would like to see born one day and those who, on the contrary, they do not want under any circumstances ❌ to see arrive

1) The couples fans hope for in One Piece

Luffy & Boa Hancock

Luffy and Boa Hancock

Luffy's proud proclamation of becoming the future Pirate King plants a question in the minds of some readers. If Luffy is king, who will be queen? For many, and especially for herself if she has a say, it's Boa Hancock 🐍 .

Already fully in love with Luffy, Hancock is the second most obvious choice to be Luffy's mate. For many fans, it is essential that Luffy abandons celibacy for Hancock.

Robin and Zoro

Zoro and Nico Robin

From Robin's debut as an official member of the Straw Hats, the tension between her and Zoro was palpable. As the first mate and older brother of the crew, Zoro's desire to protect his friends from a suspected intruder led him to keep an eye on his new teammate.

zoro roronoa mouse pad

Nico Robin and Franky

Nico Robin and Franky

As with Robin and Zoro, fans' obsession with this couple stems from their implied maturity. Franky and Robin, the two oldest straw hat pirates👴👩‍🦳 , probably have an outlook on life that the young Nakama can't understand.

Besides the shared consistency of their views, they managed to come together during the crazy events of the Enies Lobby arc in a way that none of their teammates could understand. Additionally, the romantic subtext ❤ of this couple is omnipresent in the manga.

Luffy and Nami

Luffy and Nami

It can be said that One Piece's most famous fan couple, Luffy and Nami, have probably been propelled to this rank by fans since the beginning of the manga appeared . This couple is not without merits either.

On several occasions, Luffy has bequeathed his beloved Straw Hat to Nami before heading into battle , showing his love for her. Additionally, the ending of the non-canon Strong World movie essentially confirms that Nami wants her relationship with Luffy to be deeper than that of a Nakama 👫.

It is despite this that some fans imagine that Zoro began to like Nico Robin. Both Zoro and Robin are mature and stoic, which makes them seem like an ideal romantic couple.

Sanji and Nami

Sanji and Nami

Since joining the Straw Hats, Sanji 🍽 has only had eyes for one woman. Well, he has had eyes for many women, but Nami seems to be the focal point of Sanji's romantic attention , if only for the sake of proximity.

Due to the volume of his unrequited confessions of love for the Straw Hat Navigator, fans began to encourage Sanji to move on from Nami, but... Looking into this relationship during the Whole Cake Island arc 🍰, Oda gave fans of this couple a slight moment of catharsis.

2) Couples One Piece fans don't want to exist

Luffy and Nico Robin

Luffy and Nico Robin

From the start, Luffy and Robin have nothing in common, except their residence on the Sunny 🌞. Luffy hates reading and Robin only thinks about that; Luffy is impulsive and Robin is calculating; Luffy lacks subtlety and Robin has foolproof one. Yet, looking closer, we can see the commonalities they share .

They both ingested devil fruits 🍇 as children, they both can decipher obscure languages, and they both have ties to Dragon, Ivankov, and Sabo. No matter how strong the arguments, fans disagree on marriage .

Straw hat

Nami and Zoro

Nami and Zoro

From what has been established in the story, Nami and Zoro have no spark. Apart from a few exchanges, ambiguous at best, during the Arlong arc, the first members of Luffy's crew 🦜 did not let escape the slightest trace of what could be interpreted as romantic tension.

Their points of view are too disparate to generate any passion 💔. This does not mean that they do not have affinities between them on a family or friendly level, but the appearance of a possible romance seems improbable at the moment .

Tashigi and Mihawk

Tashigi and Mihawk

A mutual affinity for and wielding swords does nothing for One Piece fans when it comes to this pairing. If Mihawk defies convention as a pirate, he is nonetheless a pirate 🏴‍☠️ . Tashigi, as the reader has seen in her relationship with Zoro, cannot look beyond and see Mihawk as a man, regardless of their many similarities.

Given her dedication to swords, Tashigi probably has incredible regard for Mihawk ( who is the strongest swordsman in the world of One Piece ), but she extinguishes the embers of romance to maintain his status as a sea captain ⚓.

Boa Hancock and Bartolomeo

Bartolomeo and Boa Hancock

If a relationship with Boa Hancok seems to be with Nami, the most concrete for Luffy, Hancock will see the emergence of a husband double. One of the weirder options the fandom has produced is Bartolomeo .

Bonding over their shared love for Monkey D. Luffy could get our two young lovebirds through the first date , but Bartolomeo's personality would quickly run out of steam with Hancock. In fact, these two are already fighting over who loves Luffy more.

Jinbe and Shirahoshi

Jinbe and Shirahoshi

With both characters fighting valiantly forfish-man equality 🐟, it's easy to see that this coupling makes a modicum of sense, but when you consider the age, size, and class gap that exists between the two, the madness of this supposed relationship is laid bare.

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Je trouve que le couple zorro x robin doit existé parce que ils sont proches et ils se ressemble beaucoup et c super intéressant et je ship ce couple à 100% aussi après le couple nami x sanji je valide complétement je suis d’accord à 100% pareil avc zorro et robin je pris pr qu’il y’es ce couple dsl de le dire mais il vont trop bien ensemble et je l’avoue sincèrement et je m’en fou quand disent que il n’aura pas de relations bla bla bla je ship fort pr ces couples ok merci


les perssone qui aime le couple boa×luffy je vous comprend pas. il sont jamais ensemble c’est pas pare ce que Boa est amoureuse de luffy que ça veut dire que il vont finir ensemble. nami est la première femme a avoir le droit de porter le chapeaux de luffy et même il sont toujour ensemble. pas comme Boa qui est pas toujour avec luffy


Pitié le créateur de one piece si tu vois ce comme je ton conjure fait que hancock finisse avec luffy hancock je suis prêt a te payer dans mon salaire de 3000 euros elle aime trop luffy alors que nami elle le frappe trop moi je préfèrerais avoir une femme qui m’aime plus tôt que d’avoir une femme qui me frappe à longueur de journée et vous qui dite luffy x nami allez vous faire enculez non mais vous êtes malade ou quoi


Je trouve sa dommage le zoro x nami aurait pu avoir un potentiel mais le faite que les 2 son distant après l’ellipse n’arrange pas leur relation


Majoritairement cnets couple me vont sauf le Franky x Robin ! Quitte a la mettre avec un autre que Zoro mettez la avec Law mais Franky quoi cnets abuse

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