One piece is a complete work which has traveled through the ages , whether in its ability to adapt to the codes of current shonen, but also because within the work itself, we see a lot of landscape and characters passing by. .
When we use the term "arc" in the title of this top, we are talking about a phase of the One Piece universe, whether it is a main arc, a filler arc, a movie or even a special episode 📼 .
Here we go for this ranking of the 50 best One Piece arcs 🏆!
50. The Adventures of the Buggy Crew

It's not really an arc but rather a moment of relief after the emotional moments of the last episodes of the Arlong arc 🐟. You can laugh a little at Buggy after seeing Nami's soul get torn apart (and then put back together).
49. Post-Alabasta Arch
Do you know the side quests in video games which essentially serve to improve the level of your partners' characters so that they are not immediately eliminated in boss fights? This is the anime version of this concept. But it’s still fun nonetheless 😁.
48. Foxy Returns
I love Foxy and I love the Davy Back Fight Arc . But the Return of Foxy is not unanimous among all fans. Maybe it's because we last saw Foxy only six episodes ago, but it does show that Foxy is trying to make a big comeback after being kicked out so recently 🚪.
47. Spa Island Arc
Foxy has returned to Spa Island, although this filler arc is most notable for the fact that Luffy uses his Gear 3 to split an artificial island in two 🏝. This alone earns points in our minds.
46. Warship Island
The Warship Island arc is not a bad filler arc, it is simply a victim of poor placement in the course of the adventure. It comes right after Loguetown and right after the Straw Hats have each declared their dreams . So it's a stop at the station, as if the Mugiwaras crew were getting gas and snacks ⛽🌭 before heading off to sail on the Grand Line.
45. Little East Blue
I like to think of Little East Blue as a "celebration" of One Piece's penultimate jump, where the Straw Hats are (rightly) given the spotlight for a while. It’s cute and serves as a nice prologue to the movie Strong World .
44. Z's Ambition
The filler arcs that precede films are strange, as they tend to end with the film's main villain appearing in the last five minutes and declaring his plans 🦹♂️. It is therefore difficult to appreciate them alone. That said, Z's Ambition has enough action that even if you don't watch the Z movie (but you should, because it's great), you won't be left wanting and can enjoy this part of the work.
43. Separation of the Straw Hats
After Kuma eliminates the crew 🐾, this series of episodes shows where they all ended up. And make no mistake, the Straw Hats cause confusion like it's nobody's business. But you'll see more of the benefits of their separation in the post-war arc when they finally get down to business.
42. Koby and Hermep in the Navy
Koby is a character who deserves more time, so a few episodes dedicated to him with Helmeppos training to become Marines is something that is welcomed by fans. Plus, our friend Garp appears for the first time , which means I've been rewatching these two iconic episodes more than I should 🎬.
41. Goat Island
The island of goats did not mark the minds of readers as much as the G-8. In fact, it's about as soft as the goat cheese that appears there 🧀. But a three-episode arc where Chopper talks to goats? I am FOR it, I really have fond memories of it.
40. Chopper Man - Special Episode
Although it is not an arc strictly speaking, the adventures of Chopper Man deserve their appearance in the ranking. Chopper Man wears a Chopper cape. For that alone, it's worth it. Please. Chopper Man, you are my hero, and I hope one day we get a collaboration between Chopper Man & Sogeking 🦸♂️ saving the Grand Line.
39. Romance Dawn
Romance Dawn establishes many things that will become classic rules in One Piece: Going to a new island, meeting new crew members, helping little children, eliminating a power-hungry warlord, etc. 🔁. This is the classic progression of an arc, and it works very well that way. Unfortunately, the anime won't pursue the idea of introducing us to a new crew member as awesome as Roronoa Zoro like they do here.
38. Orange Town
The East Blue saga only builds to a creschendo as it progresses, and City of Orange provides a nice counterpoint to Romance Dawn. For example, if Morgan represents the severity of the Marines' threat in the final arc, then Buggy 🤡 represents the other side of the villains the Straw Hat Crew will encounter: cartoonish, loud, and beaten up in a really fun way with scenes completely crazy!
37. Ruluka Island
Ruluka Island feels like a condensed version of One Piece, like you just added a little water to turn this four-episode arc into a twenty-episode arc. It's a nice arc to stretch your legs before moving on to Jaya's big themes ☠.
36. Ice Hunters Bow
The Ice Hunters Arc is great because it gives each member of the Straw Hats some time to shine in an action-packed story with enjoyable storylines 🌟. If you haven't watched the Ice Hunters arc and want an arc that follows the shonen codes, then give it a try.
35. Navy Rookie Arc
I know at this point we're all excited to see the Straw Hats reunite in Wano, but if you want to see more of the team from Sanji's rescue in Whole Cake , the Navy Rookies arc has you covered. a solid bonus. Plus, the only reason it starts is because Luffy eats all of the Mugiwaras' supplies 🍗, which logically should be the start of many more One Piece arcs.
34. Silver Mine Arc
If you haven't had enough of Bartolomeo in Dressrosa 👨🎤, then surprise! They made a filler bow just for you.
33. Memory of Boss Luffy - Special Episode
You know when you fall asleep watching a show, then wake up and everything on TV suddenly seems crazy? This is exactly what happened to me with Boss Luffy. I had just finished watching Ace's fight with Blackbeard 🔥🌌 and then, boom. I wake up and see the Straw Hats in 19th century Japan. The Boss Luffy episode is fun, but I think it's fully appreciated when you're in a delirious half-sleep. But that’s just my humble opinion!
32. Caesar's Recovery
Caesar made a great antagonist on Punk Hazard , but he's even better as the dead weight that the Straw Hat Crew must keep alive ❤. A gripping arc that I have very fond memories of.
31. Little Garden
Little Garden isn't as cool as Whiskey Peak, nor does it provide the same thrill of Drum Island. Rather, it is here to further the theme of what it means to be a true warrior and introduce giants (and dinosaurs! 🦕) into the One Piece universe.
This gives rise to some of the character development Usopp needs and we see a most badass scene in which Zoro almost cuts off his own feet to keep fighting 🦶. Any arc that showcases Zoro's exploits earns at least one thumbs up from me (for what it's worth..).
30. Loguetown Arch
Loguetown is a fun arc when you realize the new dimension it gives to the manga.
Smoker and Tashigi truly begin the Navy's quest to stop the Straw Hats, Dragon is introduced in mysterious ways , and Luffy takes a giant step forward in his impact in the world of piracy.
However, the Straw Hats' stories during the middle of the arc (aside from Zoro's awesome part in the sword shop ⚔) slow it down a bit.
29. Zou
Zou is one of the most visually rich arcs of the series . From the giant elephant to the Mink tribe 🐶🐱, including Jack and other plans that made fans dream and travel, there is a lot to discover in this short sequence.
28. Fish-Man Island
Fish-Man Island holds a strange place in the hearts of many One Piece fans. This is an arc of the manga that addresses heavy themes.
Although it is an arc that would like to be "independent", but which still ends with a declaration of war against Big Mom 🍬, a villain that we will not meet for many years. Overall, I think the importance of the Fish-Man Island arc isn't really realized by the end of it.
27. Ocean's Dream (Fan Fiction)
A lot of work from the community on what is not an arc per se. Indeed Ocean's Dream is undoubtedly one of the best One Piece fan-fictions.
If you weren't satisfied with Luffy's fight with Zoro on Whiskey Peak, you'll get another part of it here while Zoro no longer has control of his mind . 🧠
26. Arc Village Syrup
If Romance Dawn and the Orange Town Arc were warm-up rides, Syrup Village is where One Piece starts to get into the swing of things.
The introduction of Usopp and the Vogue Merry ⛵ make for some great moments and it was this arc that got me hooked on One Piece when I started watching it.
25. Dressrosa
Dressrosa, for better (and sometimes worse) is a massive bow. Doflamingo is a threat we've been hearing about since the Jaya arc , but due to the scale of the Dressrosa arc 🦩, his defeat can seem a little tasteless (it's a bit harsh to put it like that, but I admits to being a little disappointed), especially considering that it is an essential stop on the way to Kaido.
But Dressrosa introduces us to the powerful Admiral Fujitora 🌑 and the great alliance surrounding the Straw Hat Pirates, and also gives us the stories of two important characters: Law and Doflamingo (they are far from disappointing). Plus, Doflamingo's abilities still lead to some of the coolest action scenes in the series although like I said, towards the end, I was missing that little "something".
24. Return to Sabaody
The Return to Sabaody arc is both hilarious and thrilling. The Straw Hats show their new strength 💪 by doing what they couldn't do in the first Sabaody arc (like easily knocking out a Pacifista).
We also meet the crew of the fake straw hats ❌, who show us how much the reputation of the straw hats has grown since the beginning of the adventure (and makes us laugh at the same time).
23. Reverse Mountain
The Reverse Mountain arc managed to give us satisfaction in two stages, at the time of viewing the arc itself and the second part years later...
In the Reverse Mountain arc, not only do we get a great story about Laboon 🐳 , but we are also shown the Baroque Works (which will be the main antagonists of the saga during Alabasta), and we also get clues that we won't be able to take advantage of. fully until Brook was introduced years later. Reverse Mountain is a short story, but there is enough to appreciate the wonderful writing talent of Eiichiro Oda ✍.
22. Arc Davy Back Fight
I've seen people on the internet say things like "when I reached the Davy Back Fight arc I almost stopped reading 📕", and why? Stopping a manga you've been following for years just for a slight diversion in which heroes who usually fight enemies with divine powers start participating in fun games?
Everyone has their own opinions, but your opinion on what fiction should be seems spot on. This arc is hilarious for those who can appreciate its true nature.
21. Whiskey Peak
Whiskey Peak is so cool. It's a simple animated arc, with some swagger, you could see this arc as the nice guy who walks into a bar and offers everyone a round 🍻.
I would love to be friends with the Whiskey Peak arc but I know, deep down, that Whiskey Peak is way too cool to be friends with, and also that it's just a One Piece arc ...
20. Arch of Reverie
The best thing about the Reverie arc is that it makes the world of One Piece a little easier to manage (Oh, great. All the main characters in the series get to hang out a bit and we who we love the filling, it speaks to us), but we also have the right to incredible mysteries, like this opening of Pandora's box ( What is this giant straw hat? What is this giant straw hat?) 🎩.
Since this is a newer arc, I don't know if we've seen the impact this item will have on the world of One Piece, but I can't wait to see the end of the story.
19. Post Enies Lobby
This isn't the first time the Straw Hats have been forced to flee a place. However, this is the first time that it feels like they risk real death if they don't.
Garp's return has sent the Mugiwaras into entirely new territory, the first time where being the plucky underdog team isn't enough to save them from the threats that come and the scale of power appears. leave much less surprise to the shonen mind .
In addition, Franky 🛠 joins the crew, which provides a counterbalance and brings some warmth to the epic, an arc rich in emotion!
18. Punk Hazard
Punk Hazard gives rise to one of my top 10 fights in One Piece (Vergo vs Law & Smoker), introduces one of my favorite locations ( an island that is half fire/magma and half ice/snow and is home to a secret scientific base ), and introduces an emblematic character with a striking laugh: César Clown 🌫.
This is sort of a prelude to the Dressrosa arc, but in this place it does a great job of highlighting the threat that Doflamingo poses🧶.
17. Ford Post-Marine Arc
The introduction of Sabo is pretty cool and Luffy realizes that he has his crew that will help him achieve his goal that he has had since his early childhood: to become the Pirate King 🏴☠️.
16. Amazon Lily
Boa Hancock is an extremely underrated One Piece character, with a terribly sad story 💧, astonishing powers and a crush on Luffy which gives rise to the crazy humor we love so much in shonens.
Hopefully Hancock will one day meet Bartolomeo and together they will create a Luffy fan club , (although there is no doubt that this will lead to an argument over who will be president...)
15. Jaya
If you don't know what the recurring themes are in One Piece, Jaya is the arc you need. It's basically a montage of things that are important to the Mugiwaras crew, it introduces Blackbeard , a guy who went from "Oh, he looks interesting" to "OH, I hate him" in a lot of fans.
Luffy says "Are you asking if I know how to punch?" before hitting Bellamy , one scene still gives me goosebumps.
14. Thriller Bark
Thriller Bark has so many good things: the sinister atmosphere, the introduction of Brook, the underrated Gekko Moriah, the song Binks no Sake 🎵 , the straw hat pirates who team up to take on a giant zombie... And just when you think it can't get any better, Kuma shows up and rocks the world of One Piece .
13. Impel Down
Hey ! It's Buggy ! And Mr. 3 ! And Mr. 2 ! And Crocodile ! Jinbe ! And Ivankov ! How can you give a bad place in the ranking to an arc bringing together a dream cast like this ⭐?
Both a starting point for new protagonists and a point of return for old enemies (with the introduction of Magellan , one of the best villains in the series, and Shiryu 👻, one of the scariest), Impel Down can only be a great success. Besides, I like this arc more and more over time!
12. Wano Kuni Arc
A renewed artistic style makes the Wano arc a great experience for One Piece fans who assiduously follow the adventures of our young pirates, while providing a solid argument for new fans to jump into the series 🎞.
A change of place in this ranking is expected, once we are further along, but for now, the reunion of the Straw Hats and the quick demonstration of the impressive power of Kaido 🐉 have earned Wano a place of choice on this list. Additionally, " Over The Top " is one of the best openings ever, whether in One Piece or any other genre.
11. Drum Island
The arc where we first meet Tony Tony Chopper makes me cry, so I'll try to keep it brief. the arch on Drum Island is magnificent. It's the story of a little reindeer who didn't find his place in the world and for whom the man who ate Gomu Gomu no Mi 🍇 found one for him.
The arc shows what it means to have someone stand up for you when you need it most. It's about love, respect and kindness. And now I can stop, I feel my eyes starting to sting... THANK YOU VERY MUCH, ONE PIECE .
10. Baratie
The Baratie arc is the first clue we will have about the turmoil and atmosphere that reigns in the world of One Piece. We then meet Sanji , we also meet Don Krieg , but above all we meet Mihawk 🦅 (and he is stronger than all the string of characters that we have been presented with at this stage).
Captain Kuro's Arc is about leaving your comfort zone and Baratie is about finding your place in the chaotic world that presents itself to us next.
9. Bow G-8
Definitely the One Piece arc that I can watch over and over again ( it's only 11 more episodes , can you blame me?), G-8 is in my opinion the first thing you should show someone 'one if he wants to start discovering the masterpiece 🎨 that is One Piece but who doesn't have much time to form an opinion on the thing.
8. Alabasta
Are the Straw Hats ready for Grand Line? Are they ready to overthrow the bad guys and protect those who need help? These are the questions that Alabasta's journeys raise and the answer is "Oh yes!".
The moment Luffy punches Crocodile 🐊 in the center of town is an iconic moment, showing us that the Straw Hats, whether they were intended to be or not, are forces for good in the world.
7. Marineford
Marineford is a chaotic arc and the site of a show of power, forcing Luffy, the hero to be reduced to a position where he is a mere pawn on the chessboard that is this great war ♟. For him, it's as much a rescue mission as a quest for survival, but although he is in the middle of Whitebeard and the three admirals and the Shichibukai, Luffy manages to show that he is there.
However, he does this not through displays of impressive strength, but through willpower . Aokiji ❄ is right that Luffy isn't "ready for that step yet", but what scares the navy the most is that one day he will be.
6. The Sabaody Archipelago
It's not a happy arc, but we come out of this arc with satisfaction (Luffy hitting the Celestial Dragon 👊 hasn't aged a bit, I still have the same chills watching this scene).
It's also an enlightening arc, particularly with the arrival of Silver Rayleigh , but it's not an arc that will end with joy and applause. Kizaru shows up to put an entire generation of pirates in their place and Kuma easily emerges victorious against the Straw Hats. That said, even though it ends with the most uncertain moment of the series, it's still an entertaining epic.
5. Arlong Bow
Nami is the embodiment of the soul of the Straw Hats, and learning what she experienced at the hands of the dastardly Arlong is heartbreaking 🐟. But Luffy doesn't need to know all the details to know that he must act and the Straw Hats' march towards Arlong Park is another one of those moments that one won't forget even once One Piece breathes its last.
And at the end, we see that our Nakamas wins, Luffy receives a bonus and Nami finally gets her freedom. And what does she decide to do with this freedom? She joins a crew and embarks on the adventures that we know so well... 🚢
4. Enies Lobby
For many, Lobby Enies is THE meeting place for everything you could want from an arc and I don't disagree with them. It's such a display of raw emotion and thrilling battles , a non-stop roller coaster of everything that makes One Piece great 🗻.
And it ends with a Viking-style funeral for the Going Merry, a scene that reveals Oda's true power as a writer: he makes you sob for a ship's farewell.
3. Arc Whole Cake Island
The Straw Hats can't beat Big Mom or her crew and will have to settle for saving Sanji 👨🍳 via multiple subterfuges and setting sail.
And Katakuri, the big brother of the Charlotte family, learns that he doesn't have to be perfect all the time 🦷. It's a nice arc that shows Eiichiro Oda is willing to play with some of One Piece's set ideas and turn the table.
2. Water Seven
Robin leaves. Usopp goes missing, Luffy is forced to do things no captain would want to do, and a team of villains shows up that seems untouchable. Water 7 is perhaps the first part of a story that continues with Enies Lobby , but I think it's the best (even if it doesn't play out much) 🤔.
It's an arc that constantly leaves you thinking, "Well, what else could happen now?" and then something else happens. And it’s so well done that we ask for more!
1. Skypiea
That's it. Everything that is good and that makes fans grow with One Piece, from the powerful villain (with a great weakness , which is also linked to the power of our hero ⚡), to the touching themes, enchanting places, through captivating adventures, we find all these codes that we love so much in Skypiea.
And although I have nothing against the fact that the arcs are connected to each other, there is a charm in the fact that Skypiea is self-sufficient that makes me put it back on my TV as soon as a feeling of nostalgia grips me 💭.
It's an arc that makes me happy to have started this adventure of more than 900 episodes. And that is without a doubt the highest compliment I can give .
J’ai détesté Skypiea 😅😅😅
Vraiment l’arc trainait trop en longueur